Saturday, March 16, 2019

Who is God ?

Who is God ? (कौन है सर्वोत्तम परमात्मा ?)

It has always been a most mysterious Question till today that "Who is god?". 

We all know that there is some energy who is controlling all of this universe. Our soul somewhere knows that there is one good energy who is controlling us, who will protect us to which we term as a “God”.

Now the Question that arises in our mind is that :-

  • Who is God?
  • Does God really exist?
  • If yes, then whether he is in form?
  • How does he look like?
  • How can we attain him?
  • If God really exists then why people here suffer so much etc etc.??

The Answer to these Questions has now been given by Saint Rampalji Maharaj. He has told us every relevant information about god by proving it from our own scriptures.

He told us that- Yes, God really exists. He is in form and shape of human but doesn’t have a perishable body. His body is not made up of 5 elements but of a Glow.

Many ignorant souls describe God as light (Formless). But there is always a source of light. We Can’t see light without a source. Similarly God is in the form and the light  emanating from His body is formless.

All the religious scriptures of major religions describe God as having human form. 

BIBLE- describes in genesis on the sixth day of creation that "God created man like Himself", in his own likeness. 

VEDAS- (Scriptures from Hindu Religion) describe God having a body in verse:

“Agne TanuH Asi | Vishnve Tva Somasya Tanur' Asi") means God has a form / Body.

QURAN (Surat Furqan 25, Aayat 52-59 describes) that god created nature within 6 days and did rest on his throne on 7th day. It explains that he is in form.

In GURU GRANTH SAHIB (scripture from Sikh Religion) Guru Nanak Dev has witnessed god (page no 24 and then on 721) and sang his glory. 

Saint Rampalji Maharaj has also told us that God resides at an eternal place called “Satlok”. 

We all souls living in this world belongs to this place “Satlok” only, where no one dies or get old. There was no sufferings and pain. We use to worship “Kavirdev” (Kabir) who is our real father and originator.

We did a big mistake overtheir that’s why we came here in this perishable world.

We got attracted towards the meditation of a devil called “Kaal”. As a result of which we failed in a loyalty towards god “Kabir”. We all the souls residing on this earth today left their "Father God" and accompanied Kaal and ended up living in his universe.

(As per Bhagavad Gita, Adhyay no. 7, Shlok no. 24 it is said that- Foolish people being unaware of my bad, permanent and prime character, consider the unmanifested/invisible me, Kaal, to have incarnated in form as Krishna.)

(As per Bhagavad Gita Adhyay 11, Shlok 47 and 48, it is said that - this is my actual Kaal form. Nobody can see this)

This Kaal or Brahm is the actual "Satan or Devil" who has a curse that he eats lakhs of people daily and will born more of them. This earth is under the dominion of Kaal. This is the reason there is so much suffering on this earth and due to this curse only we are stuck in this birth and death cycle.

God Kabir incarnate in every yug to tell his souls about real way of worship by which “Satlok”/ Moksha can be attained.

In Satlok, there is constant supreme peace and happiness. Until we go to Satlok, we cannot attain supreme peace, happiness and immortality. It is only possible to go to Satlok if we take updesh (initiation) from a Purna Saint (Complete Saint) and keep doing bhakti of Purna Parmatma (Supreme God Kabir) throughout our life.

In present, only Saint Rampalji Maharaj is the complete saint on earth and Kavirdev (Kabir saheb) is the only supreme, most powerful and merciful immortal lord one should worship. 

To know about true scriptures based worship of God Kabir and the true mantras by which salvation can be attained.

Watch Video:

Must Watch :

Sadhna channel daily at 7.30-8.30 PM, 

Ishwar Tv at 8.30-9.30 PM, 

Shradha Channel  at 2.00-3.00 PM, 

Haryana News 6.00-7.00 PM

You can also order best spiritual books “Gyan Ganga”, “Jeene ki Rah”, “Gita Tera Gyan Amrit”, “Andh Bhakti Shrdha” for free!! 

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