Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Death an inside story | reason behind death | death blog | death quotes | मृत्यु का रहस्य

Death an inside story 

Death is a Bitter truth which we all have to face one day. But why we have to die is a most common question which we keep asking to ourselves as we grow older.

Nobody likes dying whether the person is happy or not. But what’s the reason behind it?

Death an inside story
death blog

I am sure everyone must have thought about it.

Answer to this Question is hidden in spirituality. Do you know we all the souls living in this world belongs to the most eternal dwelling place called “Satlok” where no one dies or get old. There was no sufferings and pain. Satlok/Sachkhand is an eternal kingdom of  “Kavirdev” (Kabir) who is the real father and originator of all the souls. He is the only immortal supreme lord of this entire universe. Originally we all the souls living here on earth, use to live in Satlok.

See proofs here "Who is God?"

Death an inside story

So now the question arises that why do we live here in this destructive world?
Why we have to suffer death and old age?

Actually, We did a big mistake in Satlok that’s why we came here in this perishable world.

We got attracted towards the meditation of a devil called “Kaal”. As a result of which we failed in a loyalty towards god “Kabir”. We all the souls residing on this earth today left their "Father God" and accompanied Kaal and ended up living in his universe.

(As per Bhagavad Gita, Adhyay no. 7, Shlok no. 24 it is said that- Foolish people being unaware of my bad, permanent and prime character, consider the unmanifested/invisible me, Kaal, to have incarnated in form as Krishna.)

(As per Bhagavad Gita Adhyay 11, Shlok 47 and 48, it is said that - this is my actual Kaal form. Nobody can see this)

Death an inside story
death quotes

click here to know about Kaal in detail

This Kaal or Brahm is the actual "Satan or Devil" who has a curse that he eats lakhs of people daily and will born more of them. This earth is under the sovereignty of Kaal. This is the reason there is so much suffering on this earth and due to this curse only we are stuck in this birth and death cycle.

“Our life is not limited to one death, there is lot of birth of different species we go through”- death quotes

Death an inside story
death rate in India

God Kabir incarnate in every yuga (Era) to tell his souls about real way of worship by which “Satlok”/ Moksha/salvation can be attained.

In Satlok, there is constant supreme peace and happiness. Until we go to Satlok, we cannot attain supreme peace, happiness and immortality. It is only possible to go to Satlok if we take updesh (initiation) from a Purna Saint (Complete Saint) and keep doing bhakti of Purna Parmatma (Supreme God Kabir) throughout our life.

Click here to know- Who was Kabir?

Death an inside story
heavenly bodies

At present, only Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is the complete saint on earth. This all secrets are mentioned in all our holy scriptures but were hidden till now. Saint Rampal Ji has revealed these facts to us with proofs.
Real Saint/Guru is a complete knower of all the religious texts. He will give initiation of three nams in three stages (As per Bhagavad Gita Adhyay 17 mantra 23). As per Yajurveda Adhyay 19 Mantra 25, 26 True Guru will be the one who elaborate the incomplete sentences of the Vedas. He will not wander about asking for alms and donations. These all are traits of true guru and he is none other than Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj.

Death an inside story
guru mahima
Who is true Saint/Satguru?
Know about supreme god Kabir

To know every thing in detail with proofs from our scriptures, Must Watch-

"Sadhna Channel" at 7:30-8:30 PM (IST)
"Ishwar TV" 8:30-9:30 PM (IST)

To take naam diksha from Saint Rampalji Maharaj please fill Online Naam Diksha Form

1 comment:

ऐसे ही आध्यात्मिक जानकारी के लिए हमसे जुड़े रहें।

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