Friday, May 8, 2020

Eliminate Dowry System!

Eliminate Dowry System!

Dowry means property, cash, jwellery, furniture or other tangible items which is given to the bride at the time of marriage from the bride's family.
It has been practiced in India from centuries. 

There have been many cases of physically and emotionally tortured brides not bringing enough dowry. 

Why is the dowry system still intact?

The question is why do people still practice it even after making dowry a punishable offense. Government and other social communities regularly spread awareness about the ill effects of dowry system through several campaigns?  
Still why it is prevalent in India.
Here are some of the main reasons why the dowry system remains intact despite public condemnation.

  • While the government has made dowry a punishable offense, the law has not been strictly enforced.  

  • There is no restriction on the exchange of gifts and dowry given during marriages as there is no proper forum from government which can check whether dowry is practiced or not.

These flaws are one of the main reasons why this bad practice still exists in our country.

  • Apart from these, gender inequality and illiteracy are also major contributors of this heinous social system.

But the literates today have become more illiterate, they organise a big fat wedding, give lot of gifts like flats, car, expensive jwellery or even plan a trip of honeymoon. They have started a new era of destination wedding which is totally wrong, they have just changed the way of dowry by showing of things they do On wedding.

“Any young man, who makes dowry a condition to marriage, discredits his education and his country and dishonours womanhood”- Mahatma Gandhi

Dowry is a curse for society:

  • It gives Financial burden on family
  • Give rise to corruption 
  • Emotional stress for girl
  • Physical torture 
  • Give rise to female foeticide
  • Domestic violence 

The dowry system is strongly condemned.  The government has also passed legislation making dowry a punishable offense, but the practice is still prevalent in most parts of the country that the suffering for girls and their families is increasing. 
Government has totally failed to stop dowry system.

Solution to end this evil system

Demanding and giving dowry are both condemnable works where the education of both the groom and the girl is the same. Both are engaged in employment, people still demand dowry. Why? The stigma of dowry system cannot be prevented only by law.

The only method by which this evil system can stop is spirituality.

It has been seen that followers of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is opting for simple marriage that to in 17 minutes by way of guruvani. They do not exchange a single penny of dowry.

There is prohibition of dowry in the rules of saint Rampal Ji Maharaj.

Saintji told that taking Dowry counts on our bad karma, which we have to pay eventually. So we should stop such evil. Our Daughters are not saleable commodity. 

Dowry system is one of the main reasons due to which women in India haven’t gained respect and equality as men because of this social evil she always get deprived of basic rights to her education, freedom and speech. It is also considered as heinous sin in spiritual world. 
In order to build a clean society, we have to take name initiation from Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji and follow his rules and eliminate the hypocrisy and baseless rituals that occur in marriages.
To know more visit


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