Wednesday, May 13, 2020

How can diseases be prevented?

How can diseases be prevented?

Since the era of technology has come, the lifestyle of people has changed completely.
There is a growing number of people worldwide who are facing two or more health related problems at the same time.  For example, in big cities almost every person is struggling with chronic non-infectious diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes.

How can diseases be prevented?
Blood pressure
The increase in these diseases is due to urbanization and changes in the human food chain. Changes in behavior are also a reason.  Now most of the people are giving preference to processed food and sugar.  Exercise is also being reduced.  In addition to all these reasons, many countries in Africa also have an additional burden of chronic infectious diseases.

Alcohol and tobacco consumption are also largely responsible for the emergence of non-infectious and chronic infectious diseases.

Not just BP and diabetes, Different sort of Cancer cases is also increasing worldwide just because of our habits associated with the modern lifestyle and deteriorating environment. Also, because of tobacco and alcohol consumption, genetic factors, virus infection, nutritional deficiency in food, increasing pollution in the environment, etc.
Most of the cases related to cancer cause death.
Millions of Cancer deaths are recorded every year worldwide. In 2016, 3.9 million Cancer cases were recorded in India alone. 

How can diseases be prevented?

As our living standards got improve, life expectancy is increasing and the most common causes of death have changed over time. 
Based on the report Causes of Death by Hannah Ritchie, a researcher at Our World in Data and Max Roser, the site's founder. 56 million people died in 2017. What did they die from?

These are the leading causes of death in the world.-


Alcohol disorders-
Number of deaths 173,893 
Share of deaths: 0.32%
This refers to death as a direct result of alcohol dependence and alcohol abuse

How can diseases be prevented?
Excessive use of Alcohol

Drug Disorders-
Number of deaths: 143,775
Share of deaths: 0.26%
This refers to direct death as a result of drug dependence and drug abuse.

How can diseases be prevented?
Use of drugs.

 Prevention from Diseases-

Worldwide, Various NGOs and Health organisations are working to reduce the mortality rate which occur due to various diseases. But it’s gradually increasing with the increased population.

Science has its limits. Some people like Steve Jobs (a renowned American businessman) has died of Pancreatic Cancer. He had no shortage of money, he could get his best treatment, but science also has no cure for some diseases.

Today, we have started accepting science above God, but we have forgotten that science and human mind etc. are all due to God’s blessing.

Spirituality, has power to heal everything even the non-curable diseases too.

The very fine example of this can be seen in India. 
The followers of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj got relieved from HIV’s, Cancers, diabetes etc. without taking a single medicine just by doing true worship told by him.

How can diseases be prevented?
Cancer cured

How can diseases be prevented?
Kidneys cured

Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj tell those worshipping methods of LordKabir by which people live healthy lifestyle they don’t even touch the intoxicants.

True worship has power of healing. It not only reduce our diseases but even increases our life span too up to at least 100 years.

How can diseases be prevented?
Cancer Cured

The true cause of diseases is our sinful deeds of the previous lives. Our destiny of any birth is determined on the basis of the bad and good deeds of our previous births. Except the Supreme God Kabir, no god can change our destiny.

How can diseases be prevented?

“Kabir, jabhi Satnaam hardy dharo, bhayo paap ko naash|
Jaise chingari agni ki, pade puraane ghaas||”

Kabir ji says that through Satnam (Initiation of true mantras) taken by Complete Saint. Any of our previous sin can get destroyed like fire destroy grass.
Holy Yajurveda Chapter 8 Verse 13 states that God destroys the sins of that devotee who does Scripture-based worship, i.e., follows the path directed by the Tatvadarshi Saint (Knowledgeable saint).

Holy Geeta Ji Adhyay 4 Sloka 34 directs devotee to take the refuge of a Tattvdarshi Saint. The identity of that Tattvdarshi Saint is written in Holy Geeta Ji Adhyay 15 Sloka 1 to 4. Similar knowledge is also described in Holy Yajurved Chapter 40 Verse 10 and 13.

Today the world is suffering with the pandemic Covid-19 and believe it or not only Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj Can save the world from this Corona virus Outbreak. We just have to go and request him for the same. He is the only one who can establish peace in the entire world.

How can diseases be prevented?

Many people got relieved from Cancer and HIV like fatal diseases to see proofs watch Youtube Channel “RealStory 99”.

Also, Watch “Sadhna channel” daily at 7.30-8.30 PM, 
“Ishwar Tv” at 8.30-9.30 PM, 

You can also read spiritual books written by Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj.
Download it free from website.


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