Thursday, May 14, 2020

How can we revive Indian culture? | कैसे हो सकता है भारत का पुनरुत्थान ?

How can we revive Indian culture? | कैसे हो सकता है भारत का पुनरुत्थान ?

India is a country with diverse culture. The ethics and tradition of India is famous worldwide. Indian culture is the oldest culture in the world which is about 5,000 thousand years old.  Indian culture is considered to be the world's first and greatest culture. Important elements of India are etiquette, culture, civil society, religious rites, beliefs and values. Intimacy between people of different culture and tradition has created a unique country, India.  People live peacefully in India by following their own culture and tradition.

Now that everyone's lifestyle is getting modern, Some Indian people are still maintaining their tradition and values.  While other has totally adopted western culture and has total influence of western mindset.

Today people in India have become highly influenced by modern culture, due to which they are forgetting their values, morals and ethics, this is the reason that criminal activities are increasing day by day in India.

How can we revive Indian culture? | कैसे हो सकता है भारत का पुनरुत्थान ?
India's culture is its strength

Factors on which India is losing its cultural image- 

1.) Influence of Movies-

Yes, India has lost its cultural image mainly due to Films. Today’s Films shows Indecency in the name of fashion which is dominated by nudity and obscenity. Clothing shows more of the body. Which has a direct impact on the youth because of which people today forgetting their own civilization and culture and adopting western civilization.

How can we revive Indian culture? | कैसे हो सकता है भारत का पुनरुत्थान ?
Boycott Films

2.) Western Fashion-

Indians are known for their decent Outfit. Which shows the respect for their society at large. But western influence has left no shame in the Youths of India.
People today are opting for indecent cloths in the name of fashion. Which is increasing crimes of eve teasing and rape.
Yes, cloths are not responsible for most of the rapes but somewhere we accept it or not it provoke people to do such crimes.

How can we revive Indian culture? | कैसे हो सकता है भारत का पुनरुत्थान ?
Indian Culture is best

3.) Use of Intoxicants-

In the Golden age, nobody use to drink alcohol, people at that time have never consumed tobacco, drugs, or other intoxicants because of which they live healthy life. Now people has become more addictive to these things.

How can we revive Indian culture? | कैसे हो सकता है भारत का पुनरुत्थान ?
Stop intoxication

4.) Problem of Education System-

As long as people studied in Gurukulas in India, there were more of respect in their gestures. Gurukula education system gives students the knowledge about their culture, their scriptures, ethics, brings them close to nature, yogasanas, knowledge about practical situations of life etc. While Modern education provides practical knowledge which has nothing to do with our morals and values, for which India is famous for.

How can we revive Indian culture? | कैसे हो सकता है भारत का पुनरुत्थान ?
Gurukulas were best

5.) Worshipping methods which has no relevance to our scriptures-

It’s the most important factor by which people in India has lost its morals and values. Today, many fake Gurus, saints, babas, pandits, Brahmins, astrologers etc. are running their business of fooling people on the name of god. They tell people those worshipping methods which has no relevance to our scriptures.
Like- They ask people to keep different fasts, they make them spend lakhs of rupees in Havans and vastus, they establish fear in them and make lot of money in the name of “Guru dakshina”.
Due to which people get no benefits, they lost their credibility in god and in last they are left with no choice but to become an atheist.

How can we revive Indian culture? | कैसे हो सकता है भारत का पुनरुत्थान ?
Scriptures are necessary

How can India can be resurrected?

First of all we need to ban films in India. The impact of films is changing the mentality of people by which crimes, nudity, indecency prevails in our country.

How can we revive Indian culture? | कैसे हो सकता है भारत का पुनरुत्थान ?
Ban Films

If we really want to regain our culture back then we need to be directed towards spirituality again. India is known for its cultural image which has been completely destroyed by western influence. We need to teach our children about values, respect, decent dressing sense or even our own language “Hindi”. Hindi is identity of Indians.

How can we revive Indian culture? | कैसे हो सकता है भारत का पुनरुत्थान ?
Worship as per Scriptures

Spiritual knowledge based on our scriptures has power to change the mindset of people. We need to find that Saint/Guru who tell us worshipping methods that are based solely on our scriptures. He shouldn’t wander to ask for alms and donations like other saints do.
Real saint/guru is a complete knower of all the religious texts.  He will give initiation of three nams in three stages (Gita adhya 17 mantra 23). As per Yajurved Adhyay 19 Mantra 25, 26 True Guru will be the one who elaborate the incomplete sentences of the Vedas.

These all are traits of true guru and he is non other than SaintRampal Ji Maharaj.

How can we revive Indian culture? | कैसे हो सकता है भारत का पुनरुत्थान ?
True Guru

By the impact of Satsangs (True spiritual knowledge) told by Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj today millions of people who are his followers left wasting their time in movies etc., they have completely left the use of intoxicants, they wear decent clothes, speak decent language without using any abusive words and are again regaining their sacraments back. They are working hard to attain salvation by opting a true devotional path told by Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj.

It’s guaranteed that if Indians opt true spiritual knowledge told by Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj and take naam diksha (initiation) from him then India can definitely regain its cultural image which was in the Golden age (Satyug). There will be no crime and peace will prevail in our entire nation.

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1 comment:

ऐसे ही आध्यात्मिक जानकारी के लिए हमसे जुड़े रहें।

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