Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Humanitarian work by Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj । संत रामपालजी महाराज के पवित्र कार्य।

Humanitarian work by Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj । संत रामपालजी महाराज के पवित्र कार्य।

There are many religious organisations and leaders in India who continuously work for spiritual and social development of people. But in return of that they ask for large amount of (dan, dakshina) alms and donations. Only 20 to 30 percent of the money of charity is spent in the service of the public and remaining is used to fill their pockets. Like this they have made a good business on the name of religion.

Out of these religious leaders, only Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is working with full transparency and faithfulness for the spiritual and social benefits of people.

Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj Says:

“Our race is a living being, Humanity is our religion,
Hindu Muslim Sikh Christian, there is no other religion.”

Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj believes that humanity is the only religion we should follow. Humanity teaches us to forget our selfish interests at times when others need our help. Humanity means extending unconditional love to each and every living being on Earth.
On the basis of same philosophy, Saint Rampalji Maharaj wants to make such arrangements that this earth become like heaven. He did various social work for upliftment of our society.
Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj has eliminated various social evils from our society with his true spiritual knowledge. Today Millions of followers of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj-
  • do not take or give dowry,
  • do not give or receive a bribe
  • do not consume alcohol or any type of intoxicants
  • treat all women as their mother and sister, and are always ready to serve humanity.

Social work by Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj-

Not only improving people mindset through spiritual teachings, Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj did lot of social work too.

Eliminated Dowy System-

It is really astonishing to see that there are millions of families in the country who follows Saint Rampalji Maharaj teachings and consider taking dowry a sin.
Even after draconian laws, the policies of the government seem dwarf in front of dowry greed.  Millions of families were ruined by this dowry system.  With the spiritual knowledge of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj, not only evil as dowry but other evils are also coming to an end.
Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj’s disciples have set an example that neither they take dowry nor they accept it.  Following the rules of Sant Rampal Ji, a happy and civilized society is being prepared.  Millions of marriages have taken place without dowry, without external fame, thereby bringing happiness and peace in the society. 

Saint Rampalji Maharaj has also constituted Kabir Human welfare committee, in which daughters of poor families will be raised by this committee, by bearing all her expenses up to 12th standard and of her marriage.

Blood and Body Donation programmes-

“Serving humanity is the passion of the followers of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj”
Thousands of followers of Saint Rampalji Maharaj of all religions are presenting a great example of Unity, humanity and brotherhood in the country; they have donated their blood and body whenever it’s needed. Followers of Saint Rampalji Maharaj do not consume intoxicants because of this they are serving the global need for safe blood.

Providing Food in the situation of Pandemic-

In the crisis of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj has ordered his followers to provide food and basic necessities to the needy. The followers of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj came forward and organised bhandara at various places, helping migrant workers, providing them food and shelter in their ashrams. They are providing food to the poors on daily basis and helping government and non- government organisations in their feeding meal programme too.

Narcotics Free Society-

Saint Rampalji maharaj followers do not consume intoxicants like alcohol, tobacco, hemp, poppy husk, cannabis, opium and other intoxicants. They are forbidden to even help others in consuming such intoxicants. The Indian Government has opened several Drug de-addiction centres but they are not successful in fulfilling the objective. On the other hand, Saint Rampal Ji is doing this absolutely free of cost by giving the true devotion of God Kabir. In addition to this, the organization is actively working towards spreading awareness about the harmful effects of intoxication and how it is causing pollution, obstruction in the spiritual path and moral devaluation.

Other work-

In the satsang by Saint Rampal Ji, social harmony, indecent attires, consumption of intoxicants, loss of humanity due to obscenity and adultery and loss of the civilization are explained in a very effective manner with logic. Due to which millions of people have left doing such things. The only option to eliminate rapes, sexual harassment, theft-robbery, corruption and hypocrisies from our society is to listen the Satsangs of Sant Rampal ji Maharaj. 

Saint Rampal Ji does not discriminate based on race, color, caste or religion. He treats everyone equally as the children of Supreme God. People from all sects, castes and religions are his followers and everyone is treated equally.
So to live happy, healthy, peaceful life and for the purpose to attain salvation take an initiation from Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj without any delay. Presently Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji is the only complete saint in this world who is not only working for human welfare but also providing scripture based true spiritual methods to attain Salvation.

Listen to the auspicious discourses of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj on Sadhna Channel daily at  7: 30–8.30 pm. Also, to download book “Jeene ki rah” for free visit our website.


ऐसे ही आध्यात्मिक जानकारी के लिए हमसे जुड़े रहें।

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