Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Who is Lord Krishna | Why is Janmashtami celebrated ?

Who is Lord Krishna?

Shri Krishna is one of the deity in Hinduism. He is regarded as the eighth avatar of God Vishnu who took birth in Dwapar Yuga (around 3228 BCE). References or glory of Lord krishna can be found in Hindu mythological books like Mahabharata. According to our previous Saints and sages the knowledge of Hindus Holy book “Bhagavad Gita” is also given by Shri Krishna during the battle of Mahabharata.

Why Janmashtami is celebrated ?
Lord Krishna

 On shri Krishna’s Birthdate a festival called Janmashtami is celebrated with a great glory and pleasure.  This festival is celebrated with full faith and reverence in all over the world. 

When and why Janmashtami is celebrated:

Janmashtami festival is celebrated as the birthday of Lord Krishna, It is celebrated on the Ashtami date of Krishna Paksha of Bhadrapada month after Rakshabandhan.

Sri Krishna was the 8th son of Devaki and Vasudeva.  The king of the city of Mathura was Kansa, who was very tyrannical.  His atrocities were increasing day by day.  There was a time that the 8th son of his sister Devaki would kill him.  Hearing this, Kansa put her sister Devaki in a jail with her husband Vasudev.  Kansa kills 7 children before Devaki gave born to Krishna. Finally, When Devaki gave birth to Lord Krishna, Lord Vishnu ordered Vasudeva to send Shri Krishna to Yashoda Mata and Nand Baba in Gokul, where he would be safe from his maternal uncle Kansa.  Shri Krishna was raised under the supervision of Yashoda Mata and Nanda Baba. Just, in the joy of his birth, the festival of Janmashtami is celebrated every year since then.


Temples are specially decorated on the day of Sri Krishna Janmashtami. On Janmashtami, there is a law of fasting for the whole day.  On this day, tableaux are decorated in the temples and the portrait of Lord Krishna is seen swinging and Raslila is organized.
On the day of Janmashtami, Dahi-Handi competition is organized in many places in the country.  The winning team which succeeds in breaking the matki are rewarded with prizes.

Janmashtami celebration

Is Lord Krishna really the Supreme God?

Everyone believes that Shri Krishan Ji gave the knowledge of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita. The reality however is something else but even if we continue on this premise that Shri Krishan Ji gave the knowledge of Gita, then also there are numerous verses to consider from Shrimad Bhagavad Gita itself which prove some other Supreme God which Shri Krishan Ji refers to.

Who is Lord Krishna | Why is Janmashtami celebrated ?
who is god

In Gita Adhyay 18, 61-62, 64, 66; Adhyay 15 Shlok 4, 16-17; Adhyay 13 Shlok 12 to 17, 22 to 24, 27-28, 30-31, 34; Adhyay 5 Shlok 6 to 10, 13 to 21 and 24-25-26; Adhyay 6 Shlok 7, 19, 20, 25, 26-27; Adhyay 4 Shlok 31-32; Adhyay 8 Shlok 3, 8 to 10, 17 to 22; Adhyay 7 Shlok 19 to 29; Adhyay 14 Shlok 19 etc-etc Shloks the speaker of Gita has mentioned about some other God than himself.

Analyzation of Summary of Bhagavad Gita

Firstly, the Speaker of Gita ji to which we regard as Shri Krishna had said in its Adhyay 18 Shlok 62 is asking Arjun to go in to the refuge of some other Supreme God to achieve Supreme Peace, happiness and Eternal Place.

Secondly, Shri Krishna says that his salvation is of inferior quality in Gita Adhyay 7 Shlok 18.

People ask this Question: - You have written incorrect meaning in the translation of Gita Adhyay 7 Shlok 18. You have written the meaning of “Anuttamaam” as “Ashreshth” / “Bad / Inferior”; whereas in compound, the meaning of ‘Anuttam’ is ‘Ati Uttam’ / ‘very good’. Compared to whom there is no one better, regarding him/it in compound the meaning of ‘Anuttam’ is ‘Ati Uttam’.

Answer: - The giver of the knowledge of Gita is telling about his worship in Gita Adhyay 7 Shlok 16 to 18. If in Gita Adhyay 7 Shlok 18 he is describing his worship as “Anuttam”, whose meaning according to your compound is this that there is no better salvation than the salvation of the giver of the knowledge of Gita then there should be no other God superior to him.

Then why in Gita Adhyay 18 Shlok 62 and Adhyay 15 Shlok 4, the speaker of Gita is himself telling Arjun to go in the refuge of some other God? He further says that only by the grace of "that God", supreme peace and the eternal place, the ever-lasting place of salvation i.e. Satlok will be attained. About himself also, he has said that I am also in His (that God's) refuge only. One should worship that Supreme/Complete God alone, and has stated that one should attain the supreme state (Satlok) of that Supreme God. Having gone where, worshippers never return to this world i.e. their birth and death ends forever.

Who is Lord Krishna | Why is Janmashtami celebrated ?
shri krishna is not immortal

Gita Adhyay 7 Shlok 19:

In this mantra, Brahm (Kaal) is saying that even my sadhna is done by only a few; only a fortunate person does it after many births; otherwise, one’s intellect does not rise above the bhakti of the lower gods, Shri Brahma Ji, Shri Vishnu Ji, Shri Shiv Ji and other gods, ghosts and pitras (spirits of deceased ancestors). But it is very difficult to find a saint who tells that only the Supreme God is worthy of being worshipped. He is the Creator of the whole universe; He only fosters and protects everyone, is the Almighty. In reality, He only is ‘Vasudev’. The meaning of Vasudev is ‘the Master of all’.

In Gita Adhyay 7 Shlok 29 the speaker of Gita says
"Those who know my entire adhyatm/religious knowledge and all actions, those men strive to get rid of old age and death and they know that Brahm (tat brahm)."

Here the Speaker of Gita ji is referring to some other God. Therefore Arjun asks the speaker of Gita ji in Adhyay 8 Shlok 1about "that Brahm" (tat brahm). Arjun questions Krishna ji that "who is that brahm you are talking about?"

Gita Adhyay 8 Shlok 1
"Oh Purushottam! What is that Brahm? What is Adhyatm? What is Karm? What is called by the name Adhibhoot, and who is said to be Adhidev?"

The speaker of Gita ji then answers in Adhyay 8 Shlok 3 and says it is "Param Aksharam Brahm".

The Speaker of Gita ji is referring to some other God as Param Akshar Brahm here.

In Gita Adhyay 8 Shlok 6, the speaker of Gita has said that it is a rule that in the final moments, while remembering whichever God (Brahm, ParBrahm, Purna Brahm), a devotee leaves his body, he goes to him (that God) only.

It is this same God "Param Akshar Brahm" (Supreme God), that the Speaker of Gita ji is asking Arjun to go in to refuge of in Adhyay 18 Shlok 62 and then again in shlok 66.

Gita Adhyay 18 Shlok 62

Oh Bharat! You, in every respect, go in the refuge of only that Supreme God hidden in the darkness of ignorance. By the grace of that Supreme God, you will attain the supreme peace and the everlasting – Sat lok (place-dhaam).

Gita Adhyay 18 Shlok 66

Abandoning all my religious practices in me, you go in the refuge of that one Purna Parmatma (Supreme God). I will liberate you from all the sins; you do not grieve.

Who is Supreme God?

In all these above shlokas of Bhagawad gita Shri Krishna ji himself denied of him being a supreme immortal God. He has said his worship is of an inferior quality.
He has indicated us to go into the refugee of param akshar purush/ purn bhram/ supreme god who is immortal in real sense.
The original name of that supreme god is Kavirdev, popularly known as Kabir who incarnated in Kalyuga era around 600 years ago. He did lot of divine play during his tenure. 
He incarnated in all the four ages by different different names on earth, to give his true way of worship so that we can attain complete liberation from this birth and death cycle.

Who is Lord Krishna | Why is Janmashtami celebrated ?
who is supreme god

Shri krishna, Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh or all other 33 deities are into birth and death, they are not supreme power. But lord Kabir is immortal, he is he most powerful lord.
When he incarnated in Kashi city, he was found on a lotus flower and when he died in Maghar, no body was found under a bed sheet.
There is proof in our vedas that God never take birth from mother’s womb. Nor die by leaving his body behind.
It is not in the case of Shri Krishna. He clearly took birth from a mother devki in mathura, Vrindawan which is celebrated as Janmashtmi.
This celebration has nothing to do with our scriptures that’s why it is worthless. There is also a law to keep fast on Janmashtami, which is denied by Bhagwat Gita (Adhyay 6 shlok 16) itself.

Know the true way of worship of supreme god Kabir by which complete liberation can be attained-
Watch Sadhna TV daily at 7:30 PM (IST) 
Watch Ishwar Tv daily at 8:30 PM (IST) 
Or visit website.

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